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  3. The Mainz small publishers archive

The Mainz small publishers archive

The Mainzer Minipressen-Archiv (MMPA – Mainz small publishers archive) is a section of the Gutenberg Museum containing Germany's only collection of print products by small and miniature publishers. The extensive contents of the archive include around 6,000 books, 2,000 newspapers, 1,000 flyers, and 30,000 publisher's brochures, along with fine press prints, audio carries, videos, and addresses of small publishers. Every two years, the MMPA organizes the Mainzer Minipressen Messe (MMPM – Mainz book fair for small publishers), a general public trade fair for small publishers with participants from across Europe.


The Mainz small publishers archive was established in 1980 with the mission of collecting the work of small publishers that are rarely included in public libraries and archives. Initiated by the publisher Norbert Kubatzki (1938-1985) of Mainz, these small publishers and miniature printers have been meeting every two years since 1970 at the MMPM. In 1986, the MMPA at the Gutenberg Museum assumed charge of organizing the international book fair of small publishers and fine press printers. Some of the books and newspapers exhibited at the fair are subsequently added to the collection of the archive.

V.O.Stomps Award

As part of the MMPM, the Victor Otto Stomps award, which recognizes "outstanding small publishing accomplishments" is presented at the Gutenberg Museum.

List of laureates


Main prize: Friedenauer Presse, Berlin-Friedenau
Promotional Prize: Otto Dettmer
Favourite jury prize: Peter Zaumsell (Dreier Press)


Main prize: Svato Verlag, Svato Zapietal, Hamburg
Promotional Prize: Kollektiv Tod Verlag, Gisa Schraml und Frédéric Gulle, Berlin


Main prize: Sonnenberg-Presse, Andrea Lange, Birigit Reichert, Bettina Haller, Chemnitz
Promotional Prize: Jaja Verlag, Annette Köhn, Berlin


Main prize: Katzengraben-Presse, Christian Ewald, berlin-Köpenik
Promotional Prize: SchwarzHandPresse, Ursula und Theo Hurter, Flaach


Main prize: Edition Thrunhof, Horn
Promotional Prize: SuKuLTuR, Berlin


Main prize: Corvinus Presse, Berlin
Promotional Prize:Buchmacherery Heinrich Helserdeich, Heise

Gutenberg-Museum, Mainz, Foto: Carsten Costard
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